Rock and Ice Climbing Photography Blog

Alex Ratson is a globally published Editorial and Commercial Photographer specializing in Adventure Sports and Travel photography. With over two decades of experience as a Rock and Ice climber, Alex is right at home in the mountains

In addition to this Alex also manages a large account on Instagram where he supports marketing campaigns through Influencer marketing

Alone On The Mountain

he following was writing over a 10-month span following these events. Based off extensive, raw journal entries. This was a very emotional peace to write although one I feel the need to both document and look back on in reflection knowing that despite the state I was in IT benefited my life through learning lessons about myself that would not have happened without the emotional rollercoaster that was 2018.

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Stop panicking

Ever have that time in your life where it feels like you are playing a game of cards and as you look at the hand you were just dealt all you see is a hand of face-less cards?

You feel like a pretty big loser at this point because really, what game can you play let alone win with a set of faceless cards?!

That is exactly how I started to feel July of 2018 and man did I feel like shit! that feeling of living the life of a sure to lose card hand is not a fun one, especially when the hurt you feel is as precise as this vague metaphor.

My immune system was asleep at the wheel letting this hurt fully infiltrate my inner sole and quickly taking grasp of my life. This in essence was that awkward spot between denial and rock bottom. I knew I had a problem... But I didn't know what to call it.

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Summer Ice

There is something special about confronting the juxtaposition of swinging ice tools on a late summers day.

Despite the amazing weather and warm temperatures that scream anything but FROZEN ICE it is hard to sway the stubbornness that plages Ryan Larkin and his addictions of swing ice tools regardless of whats the seasonal social norm.

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